Thérapeute en Hypnopraxie et Sophrologue

Alice Bosshard
Therapist in Hypnopraxie and Sophrologist
Children Teenagers and Adults

I offer individual or group support. Among my tools:

  • Sophrology
  • Hypnopraxie
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Coaching
  • And I also use tools like music, drawing and games

I am also a coach, writer and speaker.

In conference I transmit, in a philosophical and playful way, my passion for human values (axiology), phenomenology, sophrology (stress management, self-esteem, emotions and capacities and mindfulness.)

Graduated Hypnotherapist, practitioner in Hypnopraxie, medical hypnosis, at the Institute Hypsos in Geneva (face to face training over 3,5 years)

Graduated in Sophrology (The Swiss Academy of Sophrology, face-to-face training over 2 years)

Graduated in Childhood Phenomenology (The Swiss Sophrology Academy)

 I was trained by doctors.

We can recreate, regain, well-being, to transform and to restore ourselves, but also to maintain a body-mind balance, for better mental and physical health, to find hope and happiness within ourselves. . To have a positive outlook on life. To feel confidence.


The method is at the same time educational, playful, meditative, dynamic, relaxing, and it is assembled to (re)make the link between the mind and the body, as a whole, without dissociation.

The whole being is taken into account.

Each person will continue my support at their own pace for themselves and with themselves. I am only guiding you on your path of the ‘deep-self’.

Sophrology is a support, an accompaniment, a method that reinforces your positive outlook on life, on yourself and on your environment.



Hypnopraxie is a practice of hypnosis; The affect and the link we have with ourselves, the way we see ourselves, the way we see others and the world around us

I accompany children, teenagers and adults to feel good about themselves, as they say. Everyone has their own story, I accompany you to reconcile with yourself.

The whole being is taken into account.

Improving your relationship with your emotions = improving your relationship with others!

I work on the affect with sophrology and with hypnopraxie

Sophrology and hypnopraxie both have a so-called non-judgmental approach, leaving all possibilities open to you.

The reasons :

  • Sleep
  • Stress, depression, anxiety
  • Burnout
  • An illness, a disability; find a balance between body-mind, confidence, emotions
  • Fears, anxieties
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • ADHD
  • Eating Disorders
  • Self development
  • Relationships, work, health
  • Fear of exams; school, medical, etc.
  • Enuresis, dyschezia

The reasons to come to consult me are often; a lack of confidence, emotions, relationships, stress and burnout….or in a word; the affect

A little about trust and emotions :

Trust is a very important word for human beings. Our life seems very different when we have confidence or on the contrary if we do not have confidence. Yes we can say that it is different like day and night.

As if the link with oneself and the world around us is broken.

But trust what?

  • In yourself
  • Your entourage, family, friends, the world around you
  • In life

Do we recognize the signs of lack of confidence ?

  • Doubt a little, or a lot
  • Lack of concentration
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Be dissatisfied
  • Self-criticism, “not deserving”
  • Judging everything in a negative way
  • Fear of making a mistake, not being able to make a decision
  • To feel attacked
  • To be worried, to be disappointed
  • To be jealous
  • Have a feeling of injustice
  • Feel guilt
  • Be on the defense a little, a lot
  • To no longer feel capable, to justify oneself
  • Stop participating…
  • Wanting to punish oneself, hurt oneself, hurt others
  • Be violent, be angry
  • Getting sick, depression, anxiety, being stressed
  • Having dark thoughts…

Reasons why the lack of confidence sets in, a few examples:

  • Neglect, being ignored
  • To be ridiculed
  • Moral, sexual, psychological abuse (being too criticized, judged.)
  • Harassment
  • Abuse of authority
  • Family situation, school, difficult work
  • Bad experiences
  • Pressure

The greatest power of trust is to be able to love yourself and others.

The powers of trust:

  • Power to be yourself
  • The power to go further, to progress, to succeed
  • To feel useful and competent
  • To find solutions
  • To defend oneself ; defend its words, its principles and its values, its abilities
  • Believe in yourself
  • Able to choose
  • Able to understand what is needed in life
  • Able to ask for help and help others
  • Better resist manipulation or be able to solve this in case
  • Able to welcome things, negative or positive
  • Feel a strong sense of respect for life (oneself and one’s world around)
  • Be motivated and committed to a positive lifestyle
  • Take care of yourself
  • Be open to new things, be curious, want to learn
  • Accomplish and thrive

Management of emotions – My emotions : what do I do with them ?

We are often asked to control our emotions. we do this unfortunately with the mind. How do we do that?

  • Repress, reject emotion
  • Seize the emotion and act as if there is nothing at all
  • Eat a lot
  • No more eating
  • Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
  • Lying to yourself and others
  • Rejecting one’s reality, denial
  • Being silent
  • Not listening to yourself

The consequences are multiple :

  • Being alone with your emotions, hiding them, eating them, throwing them up
  • Feeling disappointment, without support
  • Become erased
  • Lacking in confidence
  • Denial sets in
  • Mind-body disconnect
  • Get violent, on defense
  • Become depressed, anxious

Improving your relationship with your emotions = improving your relationship with others !

Chalet "Le Bois Vers Soi", sophrology and hypnopraxie practice


+33 6 31 12 30 24 (Clic to call)


371, rue des marguerons, Cessy

See sessions possibilities